Symbio F (Memory Foam) 2 prs, optional sizes

Symbio F (Memory Foam) 2 prs, optional sizes

15.99 $

Price for a Set (2 pairs)

S – Small  /  M – Medium  /  L – Large

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Symbio F – Unique Slow Recovery Memory Foam Universal Eartip.

Uncompromised material choice for preserving the upper frequencies – hardly any treble attenuation – and still provide a great seal to improve the bass.
For In Ear Monitors with stem diameter of 4.5mm to 5.0mm.
Please read the Manual.


  • Bore diameter: 4.5mm
  • Height: 9.0mm

Diameters by sizes:

  • S: 11.0mm
  • M: 12.0mm
  • L: 13.0mm


Orange foam

Each package contains 2 pairs of ear tips with selected diameters, totaling 4 pieces.

Packaging dimensions:

Ziplock plastic bag

  • Length: 100.0mm
  • Width: 80.0mm